Kickstarter Campaign

School Of Print

2019 / Campaign Strategy, Video and Content Production, Photography


I took a lead role in producing the School of Print Kickstarter campaign for Cobden Place, creating a strategy which successfully raised over £10,000 to create Nottingham’s first dedicated open access print room for the creative community. 

Campaign Strategy, Video and Content Production, Photography

Cobden Place, School Of Print


To create a kickstarter campaign that would encourage the creative community of Nottingham to back our goal and raise £8,000 to create an open access print facility in the centre of Nottingham. 

School Of Print

I created the strategy of our kickstarter campaign and produced the content which we would share via social media and use to engage with our local community, encouraging them to donate towards our campaign. I also helped to produce our campaign video by storyboarding, liaising with videographers, carrying out research into what our building could offer to Nottingham’s artists, and conducting interviews with key members of the creative community.

We successfully engaged 248 backers to donate £10,201 towards our fundraising campaign, surpassing our initial goal of £8,000. This enabled us to purchase and install Screen Print facilities and to develop a website alongside our print space, opening the doors to the school of print in June 2016. Cobden Place is a Creative workspace in the Centre of Nottingham.

The full campaign and video can be viewed on Kickstarter via this address:


If you’d like to work together to create something similar for your brand, get in touch at


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